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The RT7 bait boat has a total of 4 connectors and two power buttons, all of which are explained in this section.

On the top of the boat, there are two different antenna connectors and two power buttons.

Front Power Button

The button at the front provides the main power for the boat. When it’s activated, the boat is turned on and power is supplied to the entire system.

When in the “On” position the Blue “Halo” ring will also be illuminated.


If the boat no longer reacts when the main switch is pressed or won´t connect, the boat can be completely reset or restarted by pressing and holding the main switch for 30 seconds. The reasons for this are explained in more detail in the “BUS system connections” and “Battery compartment” chapters.


Front Antenna

Also at the front of the boat is a threaded antenna mount. The supplied 868 MHz antenna screws onto this and provides the GPS signal for the boats Autopilot system. This antenna allows the autopilot system to achieve a range of approximately 1km, provided everything is properly aligned (more information on this can be found under the All-in-One Controller).

There is also a compact version available from our website, this antenna can achieve a range of approximately 500m depending on the conditions (both versions are shown below).

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