In this menu, you have the option to modify various autopilot settings.
This menu option allows you to determine whether the depth displayed on the GPS automatically updates when navigating to a specific GPS point. This feature keeps the depths of points up to date, depending on the current water. By default, this function is disabled and needs to be manually activated if you want to use it.
Here you can adjust the behavior of the autopilot when the 'Stop' command is given during an autopilot drive. By default, will stop current route and discarded it. If this option is deactivated, the route will only be paused and not completely discarded when using the 'Stop' command.
This function is currently not specified, but will be added later and explained in the manual.
In this function, you can set a command, what should happen when the boat loses signal with the AiO or the transmitter box.
Stop: The boat stops and remains until it get the connection to the AiO again.
Return: The boat returns to the initial GPS position it received when it was turned on, which is usually located on the bank. As the boat approaches the destination, it reduces its speed by 30m distance, allowing you to retrieve it before it reaches the shore. This is the safest option to bring the boat back to the bank, but it carries the risk of the boat driving onto land.
Navigate to Home Point: In this mode, the boat returns to the last saved home position. If this function is enabled, make sure you have saved a home point that is nearby and not located at a different lake.