DownVision has two functions:

  1. HyperVision
  2. DownScan

The great advantage of both views, compared to the Sonar view, is that they are perfect for detecting structures such as underwater plants, rocks, or branches. However, the ping cone, which is the area covered by these views, is not as wide as the coverage area of the Sonar view.

The echo sounder scanning speed is also faster in Sonar view compared to DownScan.

Therefore, DownVision is more suitable for identifying objects directly beneath the boat rather than for conducting a wide-scale search for features.

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A drawback of Hypervision/Downscan is that they are not active in the background and only start recording when they are actively selected, unlike the Sonar view.

  1. Hypervision View

Hypervision, which can be enabled in the Echo Sounder settings.

The strength of this view is it’s level of detail. Every detail beneath the boat is displayed, often almost photorealistic. The drawback of this function is that it’s not intended for deeper areas. It can only work effectively up to a maximum depth of 15 meters before the quality of the display deteriorates rapidly. Tab A 10.1_) (76).png