In the final step of the initial setup, the devices must now be turned on.
a) For the RT4 bait boat, the following devices must be turned on as shown on the setup assistant:
A click on “Connect devices” will automatically connect the devices to each other. This may take a few seconds.
b) For the RT7 bait boat, only the All-In-One Controller (AIO) and the bait boat need to be turned on. It is important to ensure that the tablet unit, which is the screen of the controller, is also turned on. Clicking on "Connect Devices" will automatically connect the devices to each other. This may take a few seconds.
Clicking on "Connect Devices" will automatically connect the devices to each other. This may take a few seconds.
Successful connection of the devices will be indicated by a checkmark. Clicking on "Start App" will complete the setup process and the app will automatically launch on the start screen