Using this menu option, you can check the button functions to understand which button and joystick corresponds to each function. Additionally, you can customize the button assignments within this menu as well.
The menu can also be accessed directly by using the "Hold" command on the "R3" button of the AiO, without the need to navigate through the menu.
Each button on the AiO has two functions:
Tab: This means that a button is only pressed briefly.
Hold: This indicates that a button has been pressed for longer than one second, which is referred to as a long press.
By clicking on a button, such as "Tab" from the "L1" button, a popup window appears. The function highlighted in yellow at that moment is the function currently assigned to that button. To assign a different function to the button, select a different function and confirm it.
Clicking the 'Apply Key Bindings' button applies any changes made. Clicking the 'Reset Key Bindings' button restores the button assignments to their default factory settings.